Nasa Transmit Mac OS

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  1. Transmission Mac
  2. Nasa Transmit Mac Os Catalina
  3. Nasa Transmit Mac Os 11
Mac UDF Software Installation

The Apple Design Awards (ADAs) is an event hosted by Apple Inc. At its annual Worldwide Developers Conference.The purpose of the event is to recognize the best and most innovative Macintosh and iOS software and hardware produced by independent developers, as well as the best and most creative uses of Apple's products. We estimate that it will take about forty-five (45) minutes to read the instructions, gather the facts, answer the questions, and transmit. You may send comments on our time estimate above to: Lori Parker, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C.

The following are steps that must be taken to download and install the UDF software on the Mac. These instructions are meant to be very detailed and may be skipped if some things are already installed on your Mac. If you don't know whether you have installed something on your Mac, you probably haven't installed it. Briefly, the steps to install the UDF Software on the Mac are:

2) Install the Mac development tools.

3) Install Fink (this is used to install X windows and Tcl on the Mac).

4) Install X Windows and Tcl on the Mac Using Fink.

5) Set up the UDF environmental variables in the .cshrc file.

6) Download the software packages (see below for more details).

7) Run Chris Gurgiolo's install package to install the UDF specific software.

8) Basic instructions for entering UDFAdmin and CONTROL after installation.

The details for each of these steps is given below. If you already have done one of these steps, skip it and go to the next. In all of the documentation that follows, instructions that you are to type will generally be highlighted by purple.

The first thing you must do to start the process of making the UDF Software work on the Mac is to install OS X. At this point, you should be installing OS 10.2 (Jaguar) since it is the latest and greatest version of the operating system. However, if you already have version 10.1 on your system you are set. NOTE: OS X is not an optional requirement. The UDF Software does not work under OS 9. To install OS X on your machine put the CD in the CD drive and follow Apple's instructions. Any OS X installation problems should be reported to Apple.

As with everything, there is more than one way to do this. If you have a CD with the Development Tools dated April 2002 or later you should install from that CD. Follow the installation instructions given in the file 'About Developer Tools.pdf'. However, if you do not have a CD with an appropriate version of the Mac Development Tools you can download them from Apple (the download is huge, though, so try to locate a CD first). The site to download the Developer Tools, as of this writing, is You will need an Apple user name and password to download this package. This is a free service but you will have to go through a registration process to get to the download.

Before installing the UDF Software on the Mac, X windows will need to be set up first. The Mac OS X operating system, although it is a UNIX system, does not provide an X window capability. To add X windows you should use a utility called fink. (There is some folklore about why it is called fink but it is a long story and not important).

To use finkyou should download it from As of this writing, the URL to use is There are two sets of downloads referenced on that page. One is for OS 10.1 and one is for OS 10.2 (otherwise known as Jaguar).

There are two sets of instructions on the sourceforge page. Here are instructions for each:

1. Download the installer disk image (this file will end with .dmg) referenced on the page referenced above by clicking on the link. You will be asked to choose from several download sites. The downloaded file will be placed wherever you have your download manager configured to go. (Internet Explorer Note: To find out what folder is chosen as your download destination click the 'Explorer' tab at the top next to the Apple, choose 'Preferences'. Then, in the pop-up menu click 'Download Options' under 'Receiving Files'.)

2. In the Finder, double click the .dmg file to mount the disk image. This will create an icon on your desktop that looks like another hard disk. This icon will have the label 'Fink-0.4.1-installer.'

3. Double click this icon and there should be several icons including one that says 'Fink 0.4.1. Installer.pkg' and 'Fink ReadMe.rtf'. Double click the 'Fink 0.4.1. Installer.pkg' to begin the installation.

4. Follow any instructions that follow after double clicking the Installer.pkg.

Nasa transmit mac os x

5. Open a new terminal window. If you do not have a shortcut to a terminal window, you can do this by first getting into the Finder and clicking the 'Applications' icon at the top. Then, under 'Utilities' double click 'Terminal'.

6. At this point you will need to edit the file .cshrc. To do this follow the following steps:

  • type the following i (This puts things in Insert mode)

  • hit the Esc button (probably at the top left of the keyboard)

  • You should now be out of the editor.

7. Open up a new terminal window (using instructions from step 5). Type 'fink scanpackages'. (This does one final bit of necessary setup. When asked for a password, enter the password of your normal user account.)

The installation of Fink for Jaguar (OS 10.2) users is a bit different than that for the OS 10.1 user. Follow the link on the source forge page given below and follow Source Forge's instructions.

From a terminal window (see instructions above for how to enter a terminal window)

  • type sudo dselect which will launch you into the Fink package selection program

  • then go to [S]elect to choose the packages you want installed (these are outlined below as well as how to select them).

  • Select the following packages by typing a + when the package is highlighted. (You highlight a package by moving the cursor using the up and down arrows located at the lower right of the keyboard. Note: To see more information about a package type a v (for verbose). With the verbose option turned on, you can also see whether the package is currently installed by looking under a header marked 'Installed?'. If a package is already installed, there is no need in reinstalling.) The packages necessary for the UDF Software are:

  • xfree86-base found in the x11-syst section

  • oroborus found in the x11-wm section

  • After selecting the above packages hit the Return button to go back to the main dselect menu.

  • When you're done, hit '[I]nstall' to actually install the packages. (You can do this by typing either '3' or 'I' and then .)

  • Choose 6. [Q]uit to get out of dselect. You can do this by typing either '6' or 'Q' and then .

At this point, you should make sure that you have installed TclTk correctly. To do this type the following commands from the terminal window:

info tclversion

The program should have printed '8.3' after the 'info tclversion' command. If you do not have this version of the software, try installing TclTk again using the Fink dselect tool.

One side note about TclTk on the Mac: There is an Aqua version of TclTk available on the Mac. The version on Fink is not an Aqua interface. Although an Aqua interface might be nice, it does not appear to be an easy install and is not necessary for the UDF Software. If you choose to install the Aqua version of TclTk you should contact Apple for support or read the Mac TclTk User's newsgroup list. The user should be cautioned against using the Aqua version of TclTk.

Set Up UDF Environment Variables in the .cshrc File

Now, we need to set up some environmental variables specific to the UDF software. These will be established in your .cshrc file. This is a file that the Mac Unix environment will read each time you get into an X window or a terminal window. You should only have to get into this file one time and type these lines. After this, you can ignore this file entirely unless you want to do some work on the Unix side of things on the Mac. The instructions given here will assume that you will use the vi editor to make these entries. If you know how to use another editor and prefer using it, then use what you are comfortable with.

Here's the basic commands to enter from the terminal window. (Things that you should type will be in quotes, everything else is explanatory except in two lines as noted. This assumes that your UDF Software will be held in a directory called UDFSoftware and your data will be put in a directory called UDFData. If these defaults are not acceptable you will need to modify these commands.):

  • vi .cshrc

  • setenv UDF_HOME ~/UDFSoftware/udf

  • setenv GPH_HOME ~/UDFSoftware/gph

  • setenv UDFTOOL_HOME ~/UDFSoftware/UDFTools

  • setenv UDF_DATA ~/UDFData

  • setenv XLIB usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.a

  • setenv PATH $PATH':/usr/X11R6/lib' (In this line, type the quotes as they are on this line)

  • setenv PATH $PATH':$UDF_HOME/bin:$UDFTOOL_HOME/bin' (In this line, type the quotes as they are on this line)

  • :wq (for write and quit; Note: Type the colon in this command!)

This should result in a .cshrc file that looks like:

setenv GPH_HOME ~/UDFSoftware/gph

setenv UDF_DATA ~/UDFData

setenv PATH $PATH':/usr/X11R6/lib'


You can look at this file by typing the command more .cshrc

Install the UDF Specific Software

  • Change the download location in Internet Explorer. (If you change it to the location specified here it will make things easier later!)

  • open Internet Explorer

  • choose 'Preferences' from the 'Explorer' pulldown menu at the top (it's the one right next to the blue apple in the upper left corner).

  • choose 'Download Options' under the 'Receiving Files' option.

  • At the top of the right pane choose 'Change Location...' under the Download Folder.

  • Change the download location to the folder 'Users' and then to the folder name with your username.

  • When you have chosen the folder with your user name, it might be best to click the 'New Folder' button and create a folder named 'UDFDownloads'. (Don't put a space in this directory name. It will make things harder later!)

If you choose not to download the packages into this directory, note where your Download Folder is located. You will need this information later.

  • Make sure that Internet Explorer does not untar or unzip files.

  • While in the 'Preferences' menu of Internet Explorer (see above) choose 'File Helpers' from the 'Receiving Files' section.

  • In the pane on the right, locate 'Gnu ZIP Archive' and click on it. Then click on the 'Change...' button.

  • At the bottom of the 'Edit File Helper' popup menu Choose 'Save To File' under the heading 'How to handle:'

  • Then, locate 'Unix Tape ARchive' in the right pane and click on it. Then click on the 'Change...' button to bring up the Edit File Helper menu.

  • Choose 'Save To File' at the bottom of the menu under the Handling header.

  • Next, locate 'Gnu ZIP Archive' and follow the above procedures to change its handling to 'Save to File'.

From the MAC UDF Software Directory download all the files into the directory specified below.
The following files should be downloaded:

  • ADMIN.X.YrZ.tar.gz (X.YrZ represents the most recent version of that package)

  • GMAPS.tar.gz

These will be placed in your download directory that you have selected in Internet Explorer.

Open an X Window

At this point you need to get into an X window. You should have set up the Oroboros X windows and TclTk using Fink in an earlier part of this document. If you have not done those installs, then stop everything and go do them. The UDF Software will not run using a terminal window and also requires TclTk.

To get into an X Oroborus window, assuming you have not set up any shortcuts on your desktop or on the dock at the bottom of the screen, you are going to first have to locate the OroborOSX-v0.8b. Probably the best way to do this would be to use the Sherlock tool located on the dock at the bottom of the screen. If you haven't used this tool before, it's the one with the Sherlock Holmes hat and magnifying glass icon. After you locate the OroborOSX application (it should have an icon that looks like a big red X with a green snake wrapped around it) it might be a good idea to drag it to the dock at the bottom of the screen so you won't have to locate OroborOSX again. Double click the (red X with the green snake) icon to open the X window.

Install the UDF Administration Tool

1. cd (change directory) to the download directory

if you set your download directory according to the previous instructions before downloading the packages, enter the following line:

cd YourLocation (where you specify the complete path for YourLocation)

2. Type the following command to see a listing of what files are in the folder:

You should see a list with the 3 files that you downloaded. If you don't see these 3 files listed go back to the download step and try again.

3. gzip -df ADMIN.X.YrZ.gz (substituting the appropriate numbers from the file listing done above)

Transmission Mac

4. tar -xf ADMIN.X.YrZ.tar (again, substitute the correct numbers for this file name)

Nasa Transmit Mac Os Catalina


2. Click on the BASIC INSTALL button at the top of the menu (like the picture above).

3. Take a break. This will take around 10-20 minutes.

You should see some change in the BASIC INSTALL button when this install is working. When it is done it will say INSTALL COMPLETE in the lower window.

4. Click on Quit when INSTALL COMPLETE appears in the lower window.

Basic Instructions for Entering UDFAdmin and CONTROL After Installation

After the UDF Software is installed use the following steps to use the software:

  • Get into the OroborOS X window. If you set up the shortcut on the dock in a previous step you should double click the icon on the dock that has a big red X with a green snake.

  • To run the CONTROL program type CONTROL

Please note that the upper and lower case values given above are important and the commands must be typed in the same case as given above.

What Now?

At this point the Basic UDF software suite is fully installed. The next step is to create and populate some data directories. This consists of three steps all of which are discussed in detail elsewhere. The first step is to create a UDF directory tree. Then add the appropriate UDF VIDF and PIDF files and then UDF data.


For questions or problems with the UDF software please contact:

email: Chris Gurgiolo

For questions or problems with the web site please contact:

email: Dennis Gallagher

Nasa Transmit Mac Os 11

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